Concept, design and animation
Music : Makoto Shozu /
At the open competition vying for the International Media Art Festival, Genius Loci Weimar, participation, we got the first prize and got the right for its art mapping projection. Our group FLIGHTGRAF will take up the projection mapping for Herderkirche, which was the church that ignited the later religious revolutionary fire by Martin Luther and the like.
This event takes place at Weimar in Germany, which is one of the World Cultural Heritage sites. Every year three different buildings are chosen specially for the façade mapping, and only one group/person will be given the right for the projection to each building through the open competition. And we are honored, this year, to receive the right for Herderkirche. About two other buildings: Cranachhaus will be taken care of by Desilence, and Notebank, which was the first bank that issued Deutsche mark, will be mapped by Hotaru Visual Guerrilla.
This event will take place from 11th through 13th of August this year, together with other fun events around. Anyone who are interested in it, please come and join us.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you there and saying Hello!
国際的なメディア・アートの祭典『Genius Loci Weimar』にて、1ヶ月に及ぶ審査期間を経て最優秀賞を受賞し、作品の制作件を獲得しました。FLIGHTGRAFはルターなど、ドイツ宗教改革の中心となった教会『Herderkirche』のプロジェクションマッピングを担当します。
このイベントはユネスコの世界遺産に登録されているドイツの文化都市”ワイマール”を舞台に、毎年異なる建物3個につき、各1組しか制作件を与えられないという、大変光栄なイベントです。FLIGHTGRAFの他に、旧クラナッハ邸である『Cranachhaus』を担当するDesilenceと、ドイツマルクを発行した旧銀行の『Notenbank』を担当するHotaru Visual Guerrillaで今年は構成されています。