Rhythm And Line Act 2 – Leaps and bounds music festival 2022
Client / Experiment / Projection Mapping / Projects
Rhythm And Line Act 2
Music, concept, art direction , design and animation
Music and Sound design : Makoto Shozu
Art direction and Motion graphics : Kento Tomiyoshi
Special thanks
Event producer : Multimedia Events
Event organizer : Yarra City Council
Leaps and bounds music festival 2022 team
event curator : Siu Chan
mapping technical : Olaf Meyer
Leaps and bounds music festival 2022
In July, 2022, we exhibited “Rhythm And Line” at Richmond Town Hall in Melbourne, Australia, the second time around following Weimar,
We restructured it as “Rhythm And Line Act 2” to narrate the lines of Richmond Town Hall. We were very happy to be given the opportunity to show it again at a different venue since “Rhythm And Line” is one of our favorite artworks. We would like to express our hearty thanks to those staff of “Leaps and Bounds Music Festival 2022” and the members of the team who gave us hands to finalize this artwork.
22年の7月にオーストラリアのメルボルンのRichmond Town Hallにてドイツのワイマールに次ぐ2回目となる”Rhythm And Line”を公開していました。
“Rhythm And Line”は Richmond Town Hallの形状に合わせて完全に再構築しました。”Rhythm And Line”は我々にとってもお気に入りの作品の一つなので、こうして別の場所で再演できる機会をいただけた事は大変うれしい限りです。Leaps and bounds music festival 2022 のスタッフ、そして制作に携わっていただいたチームの皆さんのサポートがあってやっと作品の完成ができました。心から感謝しています。
NATURE – Constellations de Metz 2022
Client / Projection Mapping / Projects
Music, concept, art direction , design and animation
Lighting Program support : Reiko Seike
Lighting Programer : Mikael Trochu
3Dmodeling(Cathedral):Madoka Itani
Event organizer : Constellations de Metz 2022 TEAM
Main Event place : Metz Cathedral
Animation inspired from : Phil Max Schöll (Weltraumgrafik)
Constellations de Metz 2022
I began to remote-work often at home just like many others after the diffusion of Covid 19. At first, I felt at ease and liberated, but with the passage of time, it began to tell on my body, and lastly I got in the blues.
“One day I flew out of my house and boogied on to the beach. There lay indescribable beauty spreading in crisp breeze as far as the eye could see,” said one of our team members. Every one of us could share the visceral longing with him.
Our artwork this time, “NATURE”, was created based on this primal power to move us to nature. Nature can rock our five senses to their foundations even in our fast-moving IT world, and this can tell us there is still a tangible sanctuary in the midst of it.
We would like to make our few minutes’ artwork be the story of describing the moving encounter with nature. The beginning is cast with a gloomy pall, the time we are hemmed in, and then the subsequent dialogue with nature is expanded. We used the natural sound picked up from nature, while reducing the digital sound to a minimum.
Our stage, La cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Metz, has the greatest amount of stained glass in France. It invites natural light and harmonizes effortlessly with the surroundings. We hope our artwork will jibe with the cathedral as if it is part of nature.
舞台となるメッス サンテチエンヌ大聖堂はフランスで最も多くのステンドグラスを持ち、それらは自然の光を取り込み美しく調和している。我々の作品もまた自然の一部であるかのように、この大聖堂と調和するものでありたい。
DEAR PLASTICS – Milan Design Week 2022
Client / Experiment / movie / Projects
Music, concept, art direction , animation
Movie & Sound : FLIGHTGRAF
Movie Simulation : Akira Kondo
LAMPTopology Simulation : Atsuo Nakajima
Mitsubishi Engineering – Plastics Corporation
Milan Design Week 2022
Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics Corporation exhibited a collection featuring a new material of sophisticated polycarbonate resin developed by the company at Milan Design Week 2022 from June 6 (Mon) to 12 (Sun). The exhibition showcased a material table KONOHA (*1), a wearable material sample GEKKA, and a color sample KIHANA (*2), designed by STUDIO BYCOLOR, whose work draws out the authenticity of colors and the essence of materials. This innovative material can retain its durability while applying colors, such as pearl, lamé, and other luminous elements, to the base material through exclusive technology. FLIGHTGRAF took part in creating the animation footage used in this exhibition.
This collection is a communication tool developed to communicate the fascination of the material to everyone engaged in the design industry. Furthermore, it is a material with futuristic potential for reducing CO2 and VOC emissions by eliminating the painting process that is conventionally required. It has received numerous design awards and is drawing attention from worldwide audiences as an outstanding commodity. The installation ‘FOR / PRO / DUCT’ examines the future of manufacturing and designing from the foundation (=materials) at Gallery Rossana Orlandi, home of the “Guilt-less Plastic” activity at Milan Design Week. We hope that you will experience a sense of innovative technology designed to address future directions in the long history of design through this installation.
※1 MATERIAL TABLE is a collective name for material samples for which STUDIO BYCOLOR has applied for a trademark in Japan.
※2 KONOHA, GEKKA and KIHANA are trademarks applied for by Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics Corporation throughout Europe, the U.S., China and Japan.