DE PROFUNDIS – Imapp bucharest 2017
Client / Experiment / Projection Mapping / Projects
Music, concept, art direction , design and animation
Audio Mastering : Lukas Taido
3D Animation support : Shinya Sasoh
3D Modeling support : Kenichi Hashimoto
Imapp bucharest 2017
His lifeline snapped off, an astronaut was roaming in the darkness. He happened to make a haphazard landing on a planet. There were creatures there that had evolved in their own way. Their endeavor to get across to each other failed in vain, and the minutes of his life are numbered almost to the null, at the same time his consciousness fading, he sensed there appeared “something” enormous in the depth of his mind’s eye.
This story depicts the friability of communication we often encounter in our daily life. We should ask ourselves; Did “the field of communication, ×、○、△、□ around this moribund astronaut” really exist, or else who is it that cannot communicate to the last? The enormous being that appears at the climactic end slowly nictitates as if suggesting the whole be the projection of our inner world.
生命を繋ぎ止める鎖を失い、さまよえる一人の宇宙飛行士。 彼は一つの星に不時着し、そこで独自の進化を遂げた生命体に遭遇する。 お互い意思の疎通を図ろうとする試みも虚しく、生命のカウントダウンが終わりを迎える頃、 彼は目の前に巨大な「何か」が現れたのを感じたのだった。
これは私たちがしばしば遭遇するコミュニケーション不全についての物語である。 そしてまた、果たしてこの邂逅は瀕死の宇宙飛行士をとりまく「実存した」現実であったのだろうか?という点について考える必要があるだろう。 そうでないとするならば、私たちが最後まで意思を通わせることができないのはいったい誰なのだろうか? クライマックスに現れる存在は、すべてが内的世界の投影であることを示唆するかのようにゆっくりと瞬く。
Fuerza Bruta – WA!! Wonder Japan Experience
Client / motion graphics / Projection Mapping / Projects
Moving ceiling and Fling cloth
Concept,art direction,design and animation
Animation : Shinya Sasoh
Animation : Shoichi Kita
Creative Director : Diqui James
MIRROR – Genius Loci Weimar 2017
Client / Experiment / Projection Mapping / Projects
Music, concept, art direction , design and animation
IOSONO Sound support : Lukas Taido
IOSONO Supervisor : Jan Langhammer
Event organizer : Genius Loci Weimar 2017 TEAM
Genius Loci Weimar 2017
About 500 years ago, the movement to rebuild the direct path to the faith in Christ in the ballooned incrustation of Church. The Herderkirche tells us the story of the thorny path; the faith speaks far more subtly than the money. We’d like to etch the poise of the city as “the city of the mirror.” Its dynamics can represent the model of what we hope for life.